By Linda Beattie, contributor
December 9, 2014 – Holiday parties, trips and family gatherings help make this time of year special–but they can also lead to injuries and illness, or otherwise disrupt your personal health and wellness. So here are a few tips and resources to help you stay safe, happy and healthy throughout this holiday season:

1. Avoid common holiday accidents. Tis the season for holiday-related household accidents, including fires. Candles are often to blame (especially when placed near live Christmas trees), so keep them in a safe holder so they won’t get knocked over, and never leave a burning candle unattended. Note also that most Christmas tree-related fires occur after Christmas due to dryness, according to the National Fire Protection Agency. Other holiday accidents can occur when hanging lights and decorations, including falls from ladders and roofs, lacerations, back strain and electrical shocks. To avoid these consequences, take your time, work with an assistant, use only outdoor-approved lights and extension cords outside, and practice common sense. Young children can also wander off and become injured during crowded gatherings, so assign someone to watch them closely.

2. Wash hands often, and not just at work. You work in health care, so you know: “there is a lot going around” out there. The CDC recently predicted that this will be a difficult flu season, as well, so continue your hand hygiene protocols at home and make sure your family does, too. Extra cleaning of surfaces in bathrooms, kitchens and doors–and using hand sanitizers when traveling–can also help keep germs at bay. (And make sure family members get their flu shots, if they haven’t already.)
3. Don’t drink and drive. Despite numerous awareness efforts, DUI accidents, injuries and deaths still go up around the holidays, especially around New Year’s, according to the National Traffic Safety Administration (NTSA). Plan ahead and pick designated drivers to make sure you and your holidays guests are safe. Don’t get behind the wheel if you’ve had a few drinks, or let your fellow revelers do so. Someone claims they are “just buzzed” and “okay to drive”? The NTSA asserts that “Buzzed Driving Is Drunk Driving.” Have sober drivers take people home, let them stay overnight, or call a cab or transportation service. Some complimentary “sober ride” services are available around this time of year, so take the time now to check out what is available in your area.

4. Prepare and serve food safely. Washing your hands before you start baking or preparing a meal is a standard food safety tip, but there are many more than can help you and your family stay safe from foodborne illness. These Holiday Food Safety Tips from the U.S. Department of Agriculture provide a quick reminder about proper food preparation, storage techniques, safe temperatures and more. Another holiday safety tip: Help guests with nut allergies avoid problems by putting a sign by dishes that contain nuts on your holiday buffet table.
5. Lighten up your favorite holiday foods. You shouldn’t feel guilty about a few indulgences over the holidays, but daily exceptions to healthy eating will quickly put on extra pounds. Splurge on a couple of family recipes, then find ways to lighten up where you can by cutting portion size, using lower fat versions of ingredients and making some healthy substitutions. Many healthy-eating cookbooks and cooking websites can help, including these 20 tips from Cooking Light.

6. Stay active. Christmas shopping may feel like an endurance sport, but you still need to find ways to get a good cardiovascular workout. In fact, making time to exercise can help you manage holiday-induced stress while you stay in shape. If you belong to a gym or have a standard workout routine, keep at it. If the cold weather is keeping you inside, pull out that exercise equipment that’s been sitting in the garage, or find a class fit for your fitness level. In addition, plan some outings with friends or family to try ice skating, sledding or other fun, wintertime activities.
7. Be prepared for holiday road trips. Traveling over the river and through the woods, or all the way across the country? In either case, a few simple tips can ensure holiday safety. AAA reminds drivers to: keep vehicles properly maintained; map your route in advance and avoid driving during the busiest traffic; keep valuables in the trunk or a covered storage area; keep children close during rest stops and give them a whistle to use if you become separated; keep roadside assistance information handy; and have your cellphone and charger/adaptor with you at all times. Also, for trips that may take you through bad weather or long stretches of empty roads, but sure to pack emergency equipment, weather-appropriate clothing and blankets, and extra water and food, just in case.
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